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Événements tantriques

Andrew Barnes Événements et retraites tantra   sont des expériences immersives et transformatrices, offrant un espace d’exploration et de contemplation. Participez à des pratiques telles que les méditations sur l'énergie sexuelle, l'expansion de l'énergie orgasmique , le travail corporel, la danse du cacao , la carte des relations et bien plus encore. Ces expériences peuvent élargir et enrichir votre vision de l’énergétique de la sexualité. Dans cet environnement stimulant, vous pourrez nouer des amitiés durables et découvrir une vitalité renouvelée dans chaque cellule de votre corps alors que nous explorons ensemble de nouvelles perspectives fascinantes.

Czech Republic Women's Tantric Sexuality Retreat Andrew Barnes

Tantric Retreats & Events Calendar Worldwide

Tantric Body De-armouring Practitioner Training with Andrew Barnes

Tantric Body De-armouring

Practitioner Training: Czech Republic

3 weeks of learning

 25th – 31st March 2024
3rd – 9th June 2024
28th October – 3rd November 2024

In a unique and flexible educational immersion, learn the art and skill of coaching participants into a deeper and richer relationship with life. Here, openness, intimacy, sexuality, creativity, vitality, passion, and love become the fundamental orientation to living.

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Tantric Body De-armouring

Retreat Level 1: Norway

14th - 17th June 2024

But what if, instead, the body is revered as a bridge to higher consciousness, where love naturally inspires atonement? What if our sexual energy is the conduit to purification, bliss, spiritual awakening, and abundance?

Andrew Barnes Expanding Women's Sexuality Retreats

Expanding Women's Sexuality

Retreat: Bulgaria


21st - 24th June 2024

Through forging a deep connection with her desires, pleasure, and sexual agency, a woman can ignite a myriad of positive influences that resonate within her very essence. This awakening of potential has the ability to enrich and enhance numerous aspects of her life, including personal growth, relationships, career, and self-esteem.

Andrew Barnes Expanding Men's Sexuality Retreats.

Expanding Men's Sexuality

Retreat: Bulgaria

27th - 30th June

Learn targeted practices and meditations to increase sexual energy and harness it in daily life. Develop a heart-centred approach to sexuality, embracing both masculine and feminine qualities to foster meaningful relationships and pleasure. These principles lay the foundation for an empowered and fulfilling sexual lifestyle.

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Tantric Body De-armouring

Level 1 and 2 Retreat: South Africa

1st - 9th October 2024

But what if, instead, the body is revered as a bridge to higher consciousness, where love naturally inspires atonement? What if our sexual energy is the conduit to purification, bliss, spiritual awakening, and abundance?

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Tantric Body De-armouring

Retreat Level 1 and 2: Czech Republic

Level 1: 4th - 8th November 2024

Level 2: 8th - 12th November 2024

But what if, instead, the body is revered as a bridge to higher consciousness, where love naturally inspires atonement? What if our sexual energy is the conduit to purification, bliss, spiritual awakening, and abundance?

Andrew Barnes Expanding Women's Sexuality Retreats

Expanding Women's Sexuality

Retreat: Czech Republic


13th - 18th November 2024

Through forging a deep connection with her desires, pleasure, and sexual agency, a woman can ignite a myriad of positive influences that resonate within her very essence. This awakening of potential has the ability to enrich and enhance numerous aspects of her life, including personal growth, relationships, career, and self-esteem.

Tantric Full Body Energy Orgasm Retreat with Andrew Barnes

Tantric Full Body Energy Orgasm Retreat: Czech Republic 

14th - 24th April 2025

If we understand sexuality as an intuitive meditation, it serves as a gateway to deeper energetic experiences and an expansion of consciousness. Then, our daily life can resonate with our transcendental self, enabling us to feel the combined sense of wonder and ecstasy that comes with being fully alive.

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